Lowcountry Local First Welcomes Two New Creatives in Residence
Lowcountry Local First (LLF) is proud to announce Tina Singleton andHafeezah Yates as the two newest recipients of its Creative in Residence program, an initiative that awards a six-month opportunity at Local Works, LLF’s non-sector coworking space. Tina and Hafeezah will begin their residency in January 2018 and receive mentorship over a six-month period to enrich their creative ventures.
Tina Singleton launched Transformation Table LLC in response to a challenge by Bernice King at an event commemorating the one-year anniversary of the massacre at Mother Emanuel. She challenged the Charleston community to fight hate by making meaningful efforts to understand and love one another despite all sort of would-be dividing factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Since November 2016, Transformation Table has hosted monthly 10-person catered dinner parties in diverse community members’ homes that brings together strangers (sometimes!) of diverse backgrounds. Transformation Table creates space for connection and conversation between strangers, with a goal to break down barriers that can prevent genuine human connection. Transformation Table recently celebrated its one year anniversary and Tina looks to use the 6 months at Local Works to hone the business model to include a corporate offering, as well as work on a memoir project to include menus, recipes, photos and essays.
Hafeezah Yates began Sacred Life to provide affordable creative arts workshop for youth ages 8-17 years old residing in Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties. The creative arts workshops promote healing after trauma, positive peer relationships and a writing platform for all participants. Hafeezah plans to use Local Works to conduct workshops in groups of various ages, developmental and physical abilities. The schedule of activities will depend on community partner involvement and collaboration with local writers in the community. Sacred Life Creations goal is to encourage creative expression in our youth through writing and connecting to the world around them by learning to build positive relationships among their peers.
Tina and Hafeezah were selected by a committee of coworkers and past Creatives in Residence out of more than 15 applicants. The overwhelming response to the call for applications continues to prove to the organization the need for more support for local creatives.
To follow their progress and learn more about the coworking space, follow Local Works on Instagram or Facebook.
Lowcountry Local First’s Creative-In-Residence program was launched in 2017 thanks in part to support from the U.S. Small Business Administration’s program the Growth Accelerator Fund Competition. LLF is grateful to have the support of the Growth Accelerator Fund Competition, the City of Charleston, and Charleston County Economic Development as we launch Year Two of the Creative-In-Residence program.